Hi folks,
This little code will help you to report the Exchange related attributes from your AD accounts and export them into the CSV file.
So imagine a scenario where you have a bunch o test accounts which start with TST for which you need to report their recipient type information. This is where Get-AdUser cmdlet comes to help. Of course you may modify your filter according to the attribute to filter on or you can use -Filter * to output all the users. Alternatively you can filter by display name or any other attribute that fits your purpose better.
When creating report for clarity sake i used samAccountName and DisplayName to identify my mailbox-enabled users as well as msExchRecipientDisplayType and msExchRecipientTypeDetails as I was hunting for those values. Again any Exchange or non-Exchange user attributes can be used. You can refer here as a good cheat list for the user AD attributes as a reference. And of course don't forget to import PowerShell module for AD.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -like "TST*"} -Properties * |select samAccountName,DisplayName,msExchRecipientDisplayType,msExchRecipientTypeDetails |Export-Csv Report.csv
This little code will help you to report the Exchange related attributes from your AD accounts and export them into the CSV file.
So imagine a scenario where you have a bunch o test accounts which start with TST for which you need to report their recipient type information. This is where Get-AdUser cmdlet comes to help. Of course you may modify your filter according to the attribute to filter on or you can use -Filter * to output all the users. Alternatively you can filter by display name or any other attribute that fits your purpose better.
When creating report for clarity sake i used samAccountName and DisplayName to identify my mailbox-enabled users as well as msExchRecipientDisplayType and msExchRecipientTypeDetails as I was hunting for those values. Again any Exchange or non-Exchange user attributes can be used. You can refer here as a good cheat list for the user AD attributes as a reference. And of course don't forget to import PowerShell module for AD.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -like "TST*"} -Properties * |select samAccountName,DisplayName,msExchRecipientDisplayType,msExchRecipientTypeDetails |Export-Csv Report.csv